Who Are We? šŸ‘€

We are a new football club based in Norfolk, deeply connected to local causes and dedicated to uplifting our community as a whole.

How Did It All Start? šŸ¤”

Back when the Brundall Sports Hub first opened in the summer of 2023, we started out as a group of men playing casual small-sided games on Monday and Thursday evenings. A few months later, some of us ended up playing in 11-a-side charity friendlies against local charity teams.

Weā€™ve taken part in fundraisers for various charities, but most of them have been for East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) and Norfolk Accident and Rescue Service (NARS). These are both causes close to our hearts, with one of our casual group participants being an air ambulance doctor and another being a volunteer emergency first responder for NARS. We now proudly wear the ā€œIn Aid of East Anglian Air Ambulanceā€ logo on the front of our kits, in addition to the NARS logo on our sleeves.

Those casual sessions still run, and we have recently partnered with Norfolk County FA and England football to become JustPlay providers. This is an initiative to help local people out and into casual football. These are laid-back and friendly sessions that run on Monday and Thursday evenings, but also serve as a kind of informal training session and potential pathway for people interested in playing in our Sunday team.

Why ā€œBullfinchesā€? šŸ£

The name Bullfinches came from one of our founding members, who is partial to a bit of birdwatching and assures us that he has seen a bullfinch at the nearby RSPB Strumpshaw Fen on at least one occasion. We even have a cartoon mascot, named Bruno the Bullfinch! Youā€™ll notice him appearing in our social media posts and various other media.

Whatā€™s Next? āž”ļø

If all goes to plan, we intend to have a squad going into the Norfolk Sunday League again next season and for the foreseeable future. Weā€™re also open to potentially starting other teams further down the line and would love to work with positive, like-minded people who want to be part of that journey.

Donā€™t hesitate to get in touch if you feel youā€™d like to get involved with our club in any capacity!